2019 June: Bolivia Yungas y “Camino del Muerte”
From La Paz, 3600 m, the road led us over the “La Cumbre Pass” at an altitude of approx.. 4700 m, before the road fell in many serpentines over steep mountain slopes in Coroico to 1200 m. After a short time we cross several climatic zones, from the cold climate of the Altiplano to the warm and humid climate of the Yungas rainforest. The change is very extreme.
Until 2007 the old one lane road was the only conection between La Paz and Coroico .This road was also known as the "Camino de la muerte" (death road) because of the many accidents that occur. The bad weather conditions, high traffic volume and the passage of only one lane made this road so dangerous. Today, the road is quite harmless because rarely used. It's worth it because the scenery is beautiful.