2020 march: Chile Tierra del Fuego and Magellanes
My last destination in Chile was Tierra del Fuego. We drove via Puerto Natales to Punta Arena, starting point for the next 5 days on Tierra Fuego (Tierra Fuego).
open land and untouched nature
In the first few days we drove to the main island of Tierra del Fuego. We did not take the ferry to Povenir but drove north to Punta Delgado, where we took the ferry. Then we went via Cerro Sombre and Cullen (last chance to refuel) to Pampa Guanaco near the White Lake (Lago Blanco). The landscape is characterized by steppe and pampas. Lots of sheep and guanacos and few people can be found there.

Street of Magellanes
Back in Punta Arenas, boat tours to Isla Magdalena with its Magellan penguins followed in the next few days. The nicest tour was a private tour with our skipper Cristian Argel, an experienced boat guide and naturalist. I was able to photograph whales, dolphins, seals, albatrosses, and other waterfowl on our tour on Magellan Strait.

Then the end of my trip came. Ecuador was already closed and I was one of the last travelers in Chile at the end of March. After repeated, postponing and rebooking of flights, I finally came back to Germany, not as planned with Lufthansa, but safely with British Airways.