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Awards, Exhibitions, Conservations & Memberships



GDT European Nature Photographer of the year 2024


DVF Award 2024

DVF Leistungsmedaille in Gold

Wildsojourns Nature Awards 2024

Highly honoured - Animal Behaviour

GDT Intern 2024
GDT Intern 2024

The picture was taken in Lenchois Maranhenses/Brazil and shows a surreal view of a sand dune from above. This formation looks like an eye. The shadow of the dune (somewhat bluish here) resembles an eyelid, a drooping eyelid. Below we see the green pupil and further down the colour ochre could represent the lower eyelid.

APA Honorable Mention Award 2024
APA Honorable Mention Award 2023

Photography is a powerful medium that captures moments, emotions, and stories in a single frame. It allows us to see the world through a different lens and experience the beauty and complexity of life. To recognize and honor the exceptional talent and skill of photographers, the art world celebrates the Photo Awards.

Natural Landscapes - Surreal

Natural Landscapes - Hydropower

Aerial & Drone - Desert and water

Wildlife & Animals - Watching you

Wildlife & Animals - Hungry

ND Award 2019
ND certifcate - Martin Köppert

Photography is a powerful medium that captures moments, emotions, and stories in a single frame. It allows us to see the world through a different lens and experience the beauty and complexity of life. To recognize and honor the exceptional talent and skill of photographers, the art world celebrates the Photo Awards.

Nature Wildlife

Nature Landscape

People-Travel, Culture


"Museum Ethnografic Poland" 2022
ND certifcate - Martin Köppert

The National Ethnographic Museum is a space where the achievements of world culture meet with individual sensitivity, becoming an inspiration to discover the beauty of diversity.

exhibited pictures

Katalog (86 MB)

Exhibition Report (44 MB)


Eyelash Viper Systematics Project 2023
Donation: 1.000 US$

Dear Martin,

Thank you very much for supporting the last stage of the Eyelash Viper Systematics Project. Your donation will help fund the remaining expeditions, generate DNA sequence data for the last “mystery” populations, and cover the fees to publish our research.

Thanks to your generosity, the world will soon have eight stunning new arboreal vipers and will become aware of the need to protect them. The recognition of the new species will also likely save people living in rural areas of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru from receiving ineffective antivenom when snakebites occur.

Thank you for supporting our research work. 

Kind regards,
Alejandro Arteaga, lead author of the Eyelash Viper Systematics Project.

Khamai - Donation to the Reptiles of Ecuador book fundraiser

Donation of 5000 EUR to the Reptiles of Ecuador book fundraiser



GDT full member
GDT - Logo Gesellschaft für Naturfotografie

The "Gesellschaft für Naturfotografie (GDT)" was founded in 1971 by nine ambitious wildlife photographers and now has over 2000 members in Germany and 26 other countries, making it one of the most renowned associations for nature photography worldwide. Originally intended for wildlife photographers, over the years the GDT has opened up to all areas of nature photography, from landscapes to animals and plants, including underwater, light barrier and drone photography. This development is reflected in continuously increasing membership numbers and offers everyone interested in nature and nature photography a place under its umbrella.


NaturFoto 2025

Veröffentlichung des Beitrages "Surinam - Reise in die geheimnisvolle Welt der Amphibien und Reptilien" in der Zeitschrift "NaturFoto" in der Ausgabe Februar 2025